The 10 best squash recipes (2024)

1 Butternut squash soup, poached free-range egg and chorizo

This super-easy, silky soup is perfect for early autumn evenings and the spicy chorizo and egg make it quite substantial. It's important to caramelise the squash properly otherwise the soup can be a little bland.

Serves 4
1 medium-size butternut squash, peeled and trimmed
1 litre fresh chicken stock
4 eggs
150g spicy chorizo
Olive oil
Salt and black pepper
A splash of white wine vinegar
A few sprigs of oregano (optional)

1 Heat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Slice the squash lengthways down the middle, deseed and then dice into even chunks. Place on a baking tray, drizzle with oil and season.

2 Roast for 45-60 minutes, occasionally turning the squash with a spatula. It should betender and soft and evenly caramelised.

3 Bring the stock to a boil and keep at a low simmer until the squash is ready.

4 Peel the chorizo and cut into small chunks. Lightly cook over a medium heat in a nonstick pan, reserving the oil.

5 Put the squash into a blender with half the stock. Blend to a puree and add more stock as you go until you have your desired consistency. Season and pour back into a pan to keep warm.

6 Poach the eggs in simmering water with a splash of vinegar until soft-cooked. Remove from the water and drain well.

7 Divide the soup between four bowls and then place an egg in the middle and spoon over the chorizo and its oil. Serve with someoregano leaves if you like.

Recipe supplied by Benjamin Tish, Salt YardGroup

2 Butternut squash fritter with ricotta and lemon honey

The 10 best squash recipes (1)

Butternut squash is a sweet, succulent treat and these tempting parcels will impress your guests. Use any squash trimmings to make a soup – cook in a little chicken stock and blend with cream.

Serves 4 as a starter
1.2kg butternut squash
50g plain flour, seasoned with salt
2 eggs, beaten
70g Japanese panko breadcrumbs
Vegetable oil, for deep-frying

For the lemon honey
60g runny honey
Finely grated zest of small lemon
3 tsp lemon juice

For the ricotta cheese
150g ricotta
40ml milk

For the garnish
A handful of rocket
Parmesan shavings
Zest of 1 lemon, finely shredded

1 Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/gas mark 5. Cut the squash into large wedges, discarding the seeds. Place on foil on a baking tray and season with salt. Wrap tightly and bake for about 45 minutes, until very tender. Cool slightly, then cut away the skin and roughly chop the squash into 3cm pieces.

2 Place the squash in a frying pan over a very low heat and cook gently for about 15 minutes to dry out, stirring often; it should break down and become pasty. Do not allow it to brown. Season with salt to taste, tip into a wide dish and allow to cool. Cover and chill for about 20minutes.

3 For the lemon honey, in a small bowl, whisk together the honey, lemon zest and juice, and 40ml water until combined. Set aside.

4 In a bowl, mix the ricotta with enough milk to give a spreadable consistency, using a fork.

5 Shape the squash into 12 quenelles (oval balls) by dipping 2 tablespoons in warm water, and moulding a generous spoonful of squash between them. Place each on a tray lined with clingfilm and chill for 20 minutes to firm up.

6 Have the seasoned flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs ready in separate bowls. One at a time, coat each quenelle in flour, then dip in the beaten eggs and roll in the breadcrumbs to coat evenly.

7 Heat 6-7cm of oil in a deep, heavy pan to 200C/400F on a frying thermometer. Deep fry the quenelles in batches until golden brown and crisp – about 2 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Keep them warm while you deep fry the rest.

Gourmet Food for a Fiver by Jason Atherton (Quadrille)

3 Roasted pumpkin ice-cream

Make sure to use a regular pumpkin, and notIf you're using a jack-o'-lantern behemoth. If you do use the latter, halve and roast it on an oiled baking tray, cut-side down, to shorten the cooking time.

Makes about 1.5 litres
1 small pumpkin (makes about 480ml puree)
½ tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg, freshly grated
A pinch of ground cloves
55g brown sugar
1 litre vanilla ice-cream

1 Turn the oven to 190C/375F/gas mark 5 (noneed to preheat).

2 Place the pumpkin on a baking tray and roast for about 1 hour, until it feels soft to press. Remove from oven and set aside until cool enough to handle.

3 Split open and remove all seeds and stringy bits, then scrape out the flesh. Puree the flesh in a blender or food processor until smooth.

4 Stir the vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and brown sugar into the puree.

5 Allow the ice-cream to soften and stir in the puree. You can either serve the soft ice-cream immediately or allow it to harden up in the freezer before serving.

Bountiful: Vegetable and Fruit Recipes Inspired by Our Garden , by Diane Cu and Todd Porter (Stewart, Tabori and Chang)

4 Butternut squash caponata

This stew-like spread can be used on bruschetta or tucked into sandwiches – try it in a toasted sandwich with mozzarella. It also works really well on pizza or stirred through pasta.

Serves 8
1 medium butternut squash, peeled, seeded, andcut into small cubes
Olive oil
3 tbsp raisins (preferably golden)
3 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 fennel bulb, finely chopped
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
3 tbsp green olives, chopped
3 tbsp capers, rinsed
Salt and black pepper

1 Toss the butternut squash cubes in olive oil and sprinkle generously with salt. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast at210C/425F/gas mark 7 until just tender – about 25 minutes.

2 Put the raisins and vinegars in a small bowl and set aside.

3 Heat 2 tbsp oil in a large pan over a medium heat until shimmering. Stir in the onion and cook until soft, 3-5 minutes. Add the garlic and fennel and cook for another 5-7 minutes until they turn golden.

4 Add the maple syrup, the vinegar and raisins, squash cubes and about ½ tbsp salt. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring until the squash iscoated with the rest of the flavours.

5 Stir in the tomatoes, olives and capers. Turn the heat down to medium-low and cook uncovered for 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently until the mix is thick and almost sticky, the vegetables tender and nearly fallingapart. Taste for seasoning.

6 Cool to room temperature and serve. It will keep in the fridge for several days as the flavours develop.

Recipe supplied by Emily Vikre,

5 Butternut squash masala dosa

A crispy roti wrapped around masala squash.Serve with your choice of curry sauceand chutney.

Makes 8
For the dosa
80g split white or black urad lentils, washed and soaked overnight
150g basmati rice, washed and soaked overnight
¼ tsp chilli powder

For the masala
1 tbsp sunflower oil, plus extra for oiling
½ tsp black mustard seeds
2 sprigs curry leaves
1 small squash, deseeded, peeled and diced
2 carrots, diced
½ tsp ground coriander
¼ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp turmeric
¼ tsp chilli powder
Salt and black pepper

1 To make the dosa batter, drain and rinse the soaked lentils and rice under running cold water, drain again and put in a food processor. Blitz for a few seconds, then gradually pour in 290ml water until a smooth paste forms. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add the chilli powder and season. Cover with clingfilm and leave to stand at room temperature for 3–4 hours for the batter to ferment.

2 Heat the oil in a pan over a medium-high heat. Add the mustard seeds and curry leaves and sizzle for a few seconds, then add the squash and carrots. Stirring occasionally, cook for 7–8 minutes until they start to soften. Add the and season. Pour 150ml water into the pan and bring to the boil. Turn the heat to low. Cook, covered, for 15–20 minutes until the squash and carrots are soft. Set aside and keep warm.

3 Meanwhile, pour some oil into a large, nonstick frying pan over a medium-high heat, grease the pan evenly with kitchen roll to soak up any excess oil. When the pan is hot, ladle in about 55ml of the dosa batter. Use the base of the ladle to spread it out evenly in a circular motion, until about 23cm in diameter. Cook for 2–3 minutes on each side until golden brown and crisp around the edges.

4 Transfer the dosa to a serving plate. Put 2–3 tbsp of the squash mix in the centre. Mould into an oblong shape. Fold the dosa in half over the mixture, then keep warm in the oven. Repeat until all the batter is used. Serveimmediately with dhal curry, sambal and yoghurt.

Lemongrass and Ginger by Leemei Tan (DuncanBaird)

6 Gluten-free pumpkin cakeswith caramel creamcheese icing

The 10 best squash recipes (2)

If you are dairy-intolerant, use soy cream cheese in the icing, dairy-free margarine, and substitute coconut cream for the caramel.

Makes 24 muffins
For the pumpkin puree
700g pumpkin
1 tbsp vegetable oil
50ml cold water

For the cake
180g fine brown rice flour
90g quinoa flour
50g tapioca flour
55g ground almonds
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp fine sea salt
1 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground nutmeg
200g sugar
125ml olive oil
2 large eggs

30g raw pumpkin seeds
1 egg white, lightly whisked
1 tbsp organic raw sugar

For the icing
230g cream cheese
115g butter, softened
115g icing sugar, sifted
½ a lemon, zested
Caramel sauce, to decorate

1 To make the puree, roast chunks of peeled and seeded pumpkin tossed in the oil at 190C/375F/gas mark 5 until cooked through. Puree with a stick blender until smooth.

2 Reduce the oven temperature to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Either grease two 12-hole friand tins or line two 12-hole muffin tins with paper cases. Sift all the flours, almonds, salt, bicarbonate of soda and spices into a large bowl and combine.

3 In a smaller bowl, whisk the sugar and oil until blended. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, until the mixture turns thick and glossy. Combine the pumpkin puree and cold water and stir into the egg mix. Pour into the dry ingredients and mix to fully combine.

4 Spoon the mixture into muffin tins and bake for 15-20 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean. Remove from the oven, cool in tins briefly before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

5 Place the pumpkin seeds in a small bowl and add just enough of the egg white to coat lightly. Toss with the sugar, then spread on to a lined baking tray in a single layer. Bake at 180C/350F/gas mark 4 for 5 minutes, remove and mix, cook for a further minute or until golden and crispy. Set aside to cool.

6 To make the icing, beat the cheese and softened butter together until light and fluffy. Add the sugar and zest then continue to beat until fully incorporated. Ice the cakes, then drizzle with a little caramel sauce and asprinkle of toasted pumpkin seeds.

Recipe adapted by Emma Galloway,

7 South-east Asian pork and squash curry

You can make a vegetarian option of this creamy curry by using marrow, courgettes, mushrooms and aubergines instead of thepork.

Serves 4
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp galangal, finely chopped
2 small red chillies, deseeded and sliced
3 shallots, finely sliced
2 tbsp Thai curry paste
½ tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp mild curry powder
1 tsp ground fenugreek
1 tsp brown sugar
500g pork loin, cut into 2.5cm dice
2 tbsp dried shrimp paste or fish sauce
800ml coconut milk
400g butternut squash, cut into 2.5cm dice
A handful of coriander leaves, chopped (optional)
A handful of mint leaves, chopped (optional)

1 Heat the oil in a wok and fry the galangal, chillies and shallots until fragrant. Add the Thai curry paste and fry until lightly coloured.Stir in the turmeric, curry powder, fenugreek and sugar, then add the pork pieces and mix in well. Cook until lightly browned all over.

2 Add the shrimp paste and pour in the coconut milk. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer. Add the squash and cook for 20–25 minutes or until the pork and squash are cooked and the sauce has reduced.

3 Season to taste with salt and garnish with chopped coriander and mint leaves, if using. Adapted from Atul's Curries of the World by Atul Kochhar (Absolute Press)

8 Roasted squash salad with miso and harissa

You could do endless riffs on this depending on what you have to hand, or what is in season. Make sure there's some green in the mix, and add nuts for texture and crunch.

Serves 2-4
230g small fingerling potatoes, washed and dried
340g squash
60ml extra virgin olive oil
50ml white miso
1 tbsp harissa paste
3 tbsp lemon juice
45g kale, destemmed and finely chopped
4 radishes, very thinly sliced
45g marcona almonds, toasted

1 Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6. Ifthe potatoes aren't tiny, slice them into pieces no larger than your thumb.

2 Cut the squash in half lengthways and deseed. Cut into 1cm-wide half-moons. Youcan leave the peel on.

3 In a small bowl whisk together the oil, miso and harissa. Place the potatoes and squash in a large bowl with 80ml of the miso oil. Use your hands to toss, then turn on to a baking tray. Bake until everything is cooked through (about 25-30 minutes) turning once or twice.

4 In the meantime, whisk the lemon juice into the remaining miso oil. Season to taste. If it's too spicy or salty, dilute with a bit more olive oil or lemon juice. Stir the kale into the leftover dressing. Set aside.

5 Place the warm roasted vegetables in a bowl. Toss with the kale mixture, radishes and toasted almonds.

Recipe supplied by Heidi Swanson,

9 Black bean and butternut squash burritos

Use any leftover filling for salads or as a dip with crackers, or simply reheat the next day. You can also try using sweet potato or pumpkin instead ofbutternut.

Serves 4
1 medium squash, peeled and cubed
75g short grain brown rice
1-2 tsp olive oil
6 spring onions, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp salt, or to taste
2 tsp ground cumin, or to taste
¼ tsp cayenne pepper, or to taste
1 red pepper, chopped
1 tin black beans, drained and rinsed
85g cheddar cheese, grated

To assemble
4 large tortilla wraps
Avocado, salsa, sour cream, spinach, lettuce, coriander

1 Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/gas mark 7 and line a large glass ovenproof dish with foil. Drizzle the squash with oil and season. Coat with your hands and roast chopped butternut the squash for 45 minutes or until tender.

2 Cook the rice according to instructions onthe packet.

3 In a large frying pan over a medium-low heat, add the oil, spring onion and crushed garlic. Fry for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add salt and spices and stir well.

4 Add the pepper, beans and cooked rice and fry for another 10 minutes on a low heat.

5 When the squash is tender, remove from the oven and cool slightly. Add to the frying pan and mash any large pieces with a fork. Add thecheese and heat for another few minutes.

6 Assemble your tortillas along with any desired toppings.

Recipe supplied by Angela Liddon,

10 Butternut squash butter

This butter can be used as a filling or topping for cookies, cinnamon rolls or breads, but it's best simply spread on toast or rice cakes.

1.5-2kg butternut squash
Extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon, juiced
120ml water
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
½ tsp nutmeg
75g brown sugar
3 tbsp maple syrup

1 Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Trim and halve the squash. Place cut-side up on a baking tray covered with baking paper and a little olive oil.

2 Bake for about 90 minutes or until very soft.

3 Allow to cool slightly, then peel off the skin and place the flesh in the blender with the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth.

4 Place the puree into a medium to large pan and cook on a medium heat for about 20 minutes or until it is fairly thick. It will bubble and splatter so watch your hands around the pot. Serve warm or, once cooled, store in a jar and keep in the fridge.

Recipe supplied by Jacqueline Picardy,

The 10 best squash recipes (2024)
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