wf www 1 naiiwr'agiTiii Sec.B-Pogell The Reporter, Tuesday, December 17, 1991 DBASE IV Version 1.1 for 25" CONSOLE TV, on "BRAND NEW" EXCELLENT LOCATION, KiSIr Santa Suggests i KSjSf Santa Suggests ONE BEDROOM with appliances, yaffil. No pets, $305. 922-8037. rtflflf' "Qui iiet Pooktde Living" 1 BEDROOM SPECIAL! $25 OFF normal rental rates. LIMITED TIME ONLY! Choose from an assortment of 1 2 bedroom apartment floor plans that are sure to pleasel Some with heat furnished.
Stonegate is a community within itself with a beautiful park-like atmosphere. Professionally managed and well maintained. Sorry, no pets. Mon. thru Frl.
10-5 Wed. 10-1, Sat. 10-2, Sun. 11-2 136 N. BergerPkwy.
923-4000 Subscribe to ADASHUN JONES RENTAL SERVICE for hassle-free renting. Call 921-2500 for details on our fully computerized service Paalinn oil nnnnn L.i wiiiiBir nauecoraie your coop with furnishings found in ftlacctfiAfl TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT For rent, all utilities included. Rent starts at $332 to $377. Inquire from 9-5 at: 693 W. Arndt Apt.
1 Fond du Lac TWO BEDROOM country lower, newly remodeled, all utilities included, $360 per month. Available now! 921- 8313. TWO BEDROOM LOWER stove, refrigerator, carpet ed, no pets. 83 Harrison Place. Open January 1.
TWO BEDROOM LOWER One year old, eastside of FDL. Stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, air condition ing, washer and dryer in the unit. No pets, $460. WMeadowlark rufiii 923-4746, 921-9076 UPPER EFFICIENCY, very clean, heat and water in cluded, non-smoking, First and Marr Streets, $275. Available January 1, security deposit required.
922- 9658 after 4pm. VILLA DENEVUE VERY ATTRACTIVE 918 and 938 E. 4th St. Distinctive, contemporary APARTMENT HOMES, offering 8 exciting 1 and 2 bedroom floor plans, all over 1000 square feet. Each has ceiling fan, dish washer, deluxe range, frost-free refrigerator, and one car garage.
Options in elude: skylights, cathedral ceilings, whirlpool tubs, and gas fireplace. Call 923-6816 Villa du Lac Spacious 1-2 bedrooms Curtains or mini blinds Furnished heat, water, and appliances Basem*nt storage Furnished apartments available Comfortable quality at an affordable price M-F 9-6 Sat 1 0-4 Sun 1 2-4 605 S. Main FDL 922-8396 VILLA MARIA, ONE bed room apartment $350. In cludes all appliances, heal and water, laundry facilities, parking, no pets. Lease.
922-8313. 910 Business SpaceOffices BEAT HIGH RENTSI Ground floor 3 blocks from Main Street 6 private offices Conference room Large lobby Newly redecorated Free parking at door 922-6490 days 922-6672 evenings AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! Office Space 700-800 sq. ft. Downtown location. Please call 922-2383.
OFFICE SPACE Downtown, furnished office space. Parking available Call 921-3290 920 Duplexes for Rent ROOMY TWO BEDROOM lower duplex, available Jan uary 1st. Garage space. shared basem*nt with hookups. Please, no pets.
$400 monthly plus security deposit Dennis, 921-3842. THREE BEDROOM, side-by-side duplex, 1800 square feet, central air, $500 per month, security deposit required, small pets acceptable. 923-8188. TWO BEDROOM UPPER, with heat, water, applianc es, washing facilities, and oaraoe. Security deposit.
DOS, 3W, never opened. Listed $795, selling $400. 922-8822 days, 929-9028 atter 5pm. 648 Fitness ADULT "LOOK" SKI bind ings, new, $50. Call 921 1941.
EASY GLIDER, new and assembled, $45. 922 2000. 654 Furniture ANTIQUE BEDROOM set, includes dresser, vanity and night dresser. Medium toned wood. Best offer.
533-4456. DROP LEAF TABLE, $30. 922-3718. EARLY AMERICAN maple settee, very nice, three- cushion, tealred plaid $135. Small dresser, 922- 5647." FOUR-SHELF WALL unit with pull-out desk, $50.
Computer desk, $20. Phone 922-1236. HANDCRAFTED, KING size mirrored canopy water bed, $425. 923-1046. KITCHEN SET, 5 piece, chairs are vinyl covered, $300.
Two table lamps, $45. 688-2648. QUEEN SIZE WATER BED, $150 or best offer. 923-9266. KING SIZE WATER BED.
Large oak wall unit. Mirror, ample storage. Pedestal storage also. 9x9, 4 years old, excellent condition. Moving salel Paid $1500, will sacrifice for $975 OBO.
533-4456. WATER BED, QUEEN size headboard, padded rails, heater. Phone 922-6086 af ter 1pm. 657 Household Furnishings FOR HOME DELIVERY THE REPORTER CALL 922-4600 660 LawnGarden Why gamble with your holiday meal? Call Silica Appliance, TV, Hardware to have your oven checked. 921-4264 663 Miscellaneous Merchandise FULL LENGTH MINK coat $300.
Large broaster-broiler grill. Aluminum 24' extension ladder. Hoover vacuum. 921-1529. AFGHANS: beautiful handmade afghans, multi-colored, 80x118, $15.
60x78, blue shades, $10. 922-4671. A FOND DU LAC COUNTY HISTORY BOOK Published by The Fond du Lac County Historical Society The first history book of its kind since 1912 This beautifully written, library quality, hard cover book will include over 150 pages and more than 100 photos, some in full color. Written by Fond du Lac Author Michael Mentzer, city editor of The Fond du Lac Reporter, it will narrate the story of people, events, businesses and organizations that have helped shape Fond du Lac County. Business histories are written by former managing editor of the Fond du Lac Reporter.
William A. Draves. This is certainly a book all residents will want in their libraries! To pick up your very own copy, stop in at The Fond du Lac Reporter 33 W. Second St. Fond du Lac Quantities are limited BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS Gift! 53 piece, 8 place imported "Sango porcelain china, "Chintz Rose." $90.
921-1529. Kfflr Santa Suggests KSilIF Santa Suggests USr Santa Suggests ta gests (Jfflr Santa Suggests TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX, brand new, Brownsville, 1230 square feet, plus ga rage and full basem*nt, security deposit and refer ences required. Sorry, no pets. Available now. 583-4010.
925 Houses for Rent AVAILABLE JANUARY 1st, rent or rent-to-own, attractive two bedroom ranch, garage and appliances Included, 509 East Johnson, $495 plus security. 921-1195. FOR RENT OR SALE. Brand new! 653 Kingswood Avenue. Double garage, 2 fireplaces, 3 spacious bedrooms, wooden deck, energy efficient, central air.
All appliances. Quality oak throughout. $745 monthly. 923-0938 after 6pm. THREE BEDROOM, 2-car garage, available November 15, $550 per month.
References required. 923-8188. THREE BEDROOM. NICE location, all new inside, appliances, $495 plus security. 922-0240.
TWO BEDROOM home in Mount Calvary, stove, refrigerator, newly painted interior, large backyard, first floor laundry. $450 plus security. 922-3508. 930 Lake Property for Rent TWO BEDR KE house. plus iortj7B98for more loHmnon.
infoi 940 Mobile Homes for Rent PRIVATE SLEEPING rooms with bath, furnished, newly remodeled. Deposit. No pets. 921-6412. 945 Roommates Live-Ins FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share two bedroom apartment, off-street parking, air, near Marian College.
Your share of $275 monthly includes heat. Call Laurie at 922-3667. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, non-smoker to share large three bedroom house. Available immediately. 921-4362.
WANTED: PERSON to share 2 bedroom duplex, NFDL. Deck, large kitchen and living room. References. $200 monthly plus utilities. 921-3900.
950 Rooms for Rent CLEAN, CARPETED, completely furnished. Utilities included, $160 monthly plus security deposit. 922-8559. 960 Vacation Recreation Property DISNEYEPCOTMGM New Florida 2 and 3 bedroom fully furnished vacation condos. 8 miles from Disney.
Beautifully furnished and equipped. Cable TVHBO. Private laundry. Swimming pool. Barbeque and picnic facilities.
Reasonable PricesI Rent direct from owner! 1-800-421-8014 1000 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1015 Houses for Sale LOOKING FOR A NEW HOUSE? SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER for a daily listing of current houses for sale Call 922-4600 to subscribe! We welcome Mastercard and Visa NEWLY REMODELED, four bedroom with den and office, 1Vz baths, full basem*nt, $47,900. No brokers. Call 921-5308 for more information. 1030 Mobile Homes for Sale NEWLY REMODELED 12x60 mobile home, tor sale or rent. Call 921-9109 after 1100 TRANSPORTATION 1105 Autos for Sale 1977 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, 4 door, 231 V6, needs engine transmission work, $200 OBO.
923-1333. 1978 DODGE OMNI, 81,000 miles, front wheel drive, asking $200 OBO. Call 922-9805. Angie. 1986 FORD TAURUS GL, V6, air, cruise, tilt, stereo, power seats.
$3795 OBO. Call 231-9020 or 872-29171 evenings. 1987 DODGE COLT good condition, great id snow, new tires. 269-4885 after swivel base, good condition, $100. VCR, older mod el, may need minor repair andor cleaning, $75 OBO.
Faux brass headboard, queen size, $15. 821 4722." 32-TRACK TASCAM reel to-reel. Excellent condition 387-2552, Marty. CONSOLE RADIO phono graph In nice wood cabinet. Needs repair, $20 OBO.
921-1360. 696 ToysGames Videos BARBIE CORVETTE, bat tery operated, one passen ger, $100. 923-9266. NINTENDO GAME SET. With NES Advantage joy sticks.
922-6086 after 1pm. 698 Wanted to Buy OLD ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED. Highest price paid. Any size or condition, Call 1-800-443-6083. WANTED TO BUY: old postcards.
Phone 922 5081 keep trying. 800 FARM AGRICULTURE 820 CowsHorses Livestock ROPER BOOTS, gray, size 5V2 worn very little, $25. 346-5285. TOP PRICE for all types of Holstein heifers. Open, just bred, and springing.
Also beef cattle. Will pay cash Gary VanDeLoo, Kaukau- na. 414-766-1269 (collect). 860 FeedSeed HAY WANTED. Top quality alfalfa and mixed hay.
Trailer load. John H. Brick. 473-4952. 900 RENTALS 905 Apartments for Rent (1) ONE BEDROOM UPPER APARTMENT $345 per month.
Available now. Extra large living room. No pets. 921-6273 $250 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Let Prairie View II play Santa for you! New 3 bedrooms Dishwashers Low utilities Garages available 923-4500 for details Open weekdays FOUR UNITS AVAILABLE. (2) one bedrooms, (1) two bedroom, (1) three bed room.
monthly. 923-2554. 6th MONTH FREE with 6 month lease. Large two bedroom tower. Northeast FDL, includes heat, water, garage, full basem*nt with hookups.
$400 per month. NO pets. 921-6813 or 477- 5302. UPPER STUDIO APARTMENT Available December 15 $270 plus deposit Butler Apartments 921-6398 AVAILABLE JANUARY 1. Roomy upper one bedroom.
$300 includes utilities. Off-street parking, no pets, security deposit required. 922-0527. AVAILABLE immediately one bedroom upper apartment, appliances furnished, off-street parking, east central location. 533-4687.
GSpSanta Suggests (jSipSanta Suggests UflF Santa Suggests 2Va bedrooms, off-street parking, no appliances, no utilities, no pets. Lease, se curity deposit, $380. 922- 8313. Hazen Court Furnished heat option 1 and 2 bedrooms Laundry facilities Security locked entrances with intercom systems Free storage facilities Air conditioning Furnished apartments available Call our friendly, professional Management M-F 9-6 Sat 10-4 Sun 12-4 Office located at 605 S. Main FDL 923-3030 LARGE NEW THREE bed room.
Appliances, water, dishwasher and blinds in cluded. $425 and up. 50 Prairie Road. Apartment 101.923-4500. LARGE -ONE BEDROOM upper with appliances.
Low utilities, no pets. Deposit re quired. $275. 922-8037. LARGE TWO BEDROOM lower.
Northeast FDL, in cludes heat, water, garage, full basem*nt with hookuDs $425 per month. No pets. 921-6813 or 477-5302. LOMIRA: TWO BEDROOM, heat, stove, refrigerator, air conditioning, garage includ ed. No pets, available De cember 1, $380.
1-786-8887. LOWER EFFICIENCY with heat, water and appliances included. No pets. $265. 922-8037.
LOWER TWO BEDROOM with garage, no pets. $285 monthly plus utilities. 921 0973, 922-6000. WILLOW VILLAGE APARTMENTS "A Nice Place to Live" Spacious 1 2 bedroom apartments with heat included in your rent. Please visit our quiet, well- maintained apartment community nestled among the Willow Trees.
Balconies available. Sorry, no pets. 478 W.Scott St. 923-1818 MT. CALVARY Upper unit, five rooms, stove, refrigerator, clothes dryer furnished.
Heat and water included. 753-3973 ONE AND TWO bedroom, includes heat and water, appliances, mini-blinds, ceiling fan. Clean and affordable. Will allow pet cat. 922-4202 after ONE BEDROOM lower with stove and refrigerator, heat and water furnished.
References, security deposit re quired. 85 Hamilton Place. $285. 921-0522 days, 922-8848 nights. ONE BEDROOM upper, downtown FDL, $275 monthly.
leave message. Classified has all kinds of useful information that you should know about read classified daily. ONE BEDROOM UPPER, appliances and heat included, lease, no pets, 349 Forest Avenue, apartment 4, $290 monthly. One bedroom lower, lease, no pets, $260, 91 Hamilton. One bedroom, 640 Triangle, $240, utilities not included, no pets, lease.
Three bedroom, 640 Triangle, $340, utilities not included, no pets, lease. 923-5559. ONE, TWO BEDROOM upper, available January 1st. Eastside location, near downtown. Appliances and utilities included.
$425 monthly. 922-0420. REID TERRACE APARTMENTS Immediate Occupancy! One Bedrooms Available Heat, water, stove, refriger ator, carpeting and parking included. Sorry, no pets. Call 921-1201 REID TERRACE APARTMENTS Immediate Occupancy! Winter is Here! Moving is a Hassle! This Holiday Season take $100 OFF 1ST MONTH'S RENT! 1 and 2 Bedrooms Available Heat, water, stove, refriger ator, carpeting and parking included.
Sorry, no pets. Call 921-1201 SIXTH AND PARK, one bedroom upper, stove and refngerator, big Irving room and dining room, $395 includes all utilities. January 1st 922-9565. Appliances ELECTRIC STOVE, Hoi Point, coppertone, ex cellent, $150. Call 795 4390.
ELECTRIC STOVE, self- cleaning, $100. Refrigera tor, $75. CBN 9ZZ-7547. CHEST FREEZER, frost free, 15 cubic feet, excel lent working condition, 4 years, $245 OBO. 533- 4456.
G.E. ELECTRIC stove, less than five years old, almond color, $150. 921-2163. MICROWAVE: programme ble microwave with brown-er, and stand, very reasonable. 921-0868.
REFRIGERATOR and stove, gold, frost-free, good condition. $400 both. 922-7349. REFRIGERATOR, Gibson, 18 cubic feet, good condition, asking $75. 923-1218.
609 ArtsCrafts YARD DECORATIONS, Christmas crafts, gifts. Visit our little store at 570 Mil waukee Lomira. 269 7039. 612 Baby Items BABY STROLLER, Even-Flo, excellent condition, $30. Car seat, good condition, $5.
923-9126. 624 Cameras Equipment 35mm CAMERA, Yashica 200AF, auto-focus, auto-rewind, programmable, 2 lenses, excellent condition, $250. 795-4475, 10am-3pm, Chuck. 630 CemeteriesLots TWO CEMETERY lots at Estabrooks. $125 per lot.
Call 922-2074. 633 Christmas Trees CHRISTMAS WREATHS, $5. Greens, $5 a bundle. 131 South Bell, FDL. 636 ClothingJewelry BLACK LEATHER motorcy cle jacket with Thinsulate zip-In liner, size 40, like new, $100.
Call 921-1052. Vi CARAT ENGAGEMENT ring. Marquis. Appraised $1575, will sell for $850 or best offer. 533-4083.
LEATHER JACKET, black, men's medium, motorcycle style, worn 5 times, like new. $150 OBO. 922-7414. WEDDING RING SET, Starfire 14 carat, white gold, mens and womens, asking $400. Phone 533-4687.
639 Computers Equipment AMEGA" COMMODORE computer, IBM compatible with printer and extra memory. Lots of extras, $850.. 269-4839. 606 (jSir Santa Suggests 1 JF Santa Suggests ta jests 'sagge sts ta gests ta i KMT Santa Suggests 'JSrSanta Suggests KiWT Santa Suggests ta KMf Santa Suggests COUNTRYSIDE VILLAGE APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM SPECIAL! $25 OFF normal rental rates. LIMITED TIME ONLY! Excellent location behind Forest Mall west of the new Copps store.
Heat Included In Rent. Garages Available. Limited Access Entries. Beautiful Clubhouse. Outdoor Heated Pool.
First Floor Laundries. Sorry, No Pets. Reserve your home today Open Daily: 10-6pm, Sat. 10-5pm, Sun. Noon-5pm 836 Security Drive Fond du Lac 922-8180 Located on corner of Arndt Seymour Streets Two bedroom apartments Available January Dishwasher Appliances Microwave Air conditioning Swimming pool Children pets welcome Starting at $390 monthly 922-4222 CALUMET APARTMENTS Forest Avenue at Harrison Place Few studios left.
Rent is $225 to $311. Available January 1st. One and two bedrooms. Rent is $275 to $427. All utilities included Off-street parking 922-6073 2 bedroom apartments in NFDL.
Walking distance to public school system. Private entrance, balconies, patio doors, cathedral ceilings, appliances, large kitchen including breakfast bar. $435-5460 monthly. 1070 Van Dyne Rd. (Polk Van Dyne Rds) 922-9390 EVERGREEN VILLAGE APARTMENTS New luxurious 1 2 bed rooms with Heat included in Rent.
Excellent location near Copps and Forest Mall. We also have limited access entries with private intercoms, 1st floor laun dries and very clean halls and grounds. Please take a look at our apartments be fore you sign your next lease. Sorry, no pets. M-F 10-5, Wed 10-1, Sat 10-2 656 W.
Arndt St. 1 block east of Arndt Peters 921-4050 FAIRVIEW APARTMENTS Appliances and more. Exceptional southeast side, quiet neighborhood, near the fairgrounds. Security locked entrances. Garages available.
No pets. Eco nomical utilities. Refer ences required. Security deposit and lease, $400 per month. For more details, call Bob Zwicker 922-3562 FOREST MALL APARTMENTS Exceptionally Clean Well Maintained! The heat is included when you rent our newer 1 2 bedroom apartments.
You'll love our 1st floor laundries, limited access entries with intercoms, and convenient location across from Copps. We have a quiet, spacious apartment waiting for you. Sorry, no pets. M-F 10-5, Wed. 10-1, Sat.
10-2 365 N. Peters 922-9898 FURNISHED APARTMENT (Bedding, linens, TV, stove, refrigerator, microwave, fur niture, fully equipped kitchen, 1 bedroom apartment.) Newly carpetedpainted. All utilities included, $350 monthly. Available 1-1-92. 922-2471 for appointment or leave message.
FURNISHED ONE bed room apartment, all utili ties included. 5 miles north on Highway 45. Security deposit, $290. 921-5889 HALF OFF FIRST MONTHS RENT CHATEAU PARC Lower 2 bedroom $420. 2 bedroom town house $490 Appliances, heat, water and air conditioner fur nished, laundry rooms and storage area.
For appointment call 922-0678 Monday through Friday, 8am-6pm. Sorry, no pets. 2-WHEEL OXYGEN CART, tank, controls, hose. For breathingheart difficulties, like new. Shoulder carrying Case.
821-3312. CHILDRENS BLANKETS and slumber bags with car toon character designs, good condition, $5 each. 923-0662. CHRISTMAS VILLAGE, pieces, porcelain bisque, ceramic, $35 firm. 921 2267.
LOOKING FOR A NEW HOUSE? Subscribe to THE REPORTER for a daily listing of current houses for sale Call 922-4600 to subscribe! We welcome Mastercard and Visa NEW ICE SKATES: boys size 13, womens size 5. 923-0513. ROOM DIVIDER, $20. Ra zor, $5. Storm windows, $25.
923-3682. POWER TO START engines charge batteries, Schauer 100 amp starter, 20 amp charger, $50. 921 0035." SETS OF COOKWARE Magnalite brand name, high quality. 929-8887. STIHL CHAIN SAW, model $50.
922-2369. SUNBEAM OSCAR food processor. Fiber optic lamp, Miniature antique Xmas tree. China large vase, 921-1529. TEN BURNER, TWO oven South Bend gas stove, ex cellent condition.
One For mica top kitchen table, 54x34.921-3444. WOOD BURNER, excellent condition, $125. 923 0140. WOODEN STORM win dows, $6 each. National Geographies, 25s each Small live game trap, $25.
921-7856. 666, Musical BALDWIN ORGAN, double keyboard, auto rhythm, rea sonable. 922-5765. BEAUTIFUL EXECUTIVE desk, only six years old, $750. Wurlitzer piano, CASIO PIANO CT-670, one year old, excellent shape, case and stand included, $325.
Call 922-8377. FREE: OLD WURLITZER organ, needs work. 922 5785. 669 Office Furniture Supplies OFFICE EQUIPMENT WANTED Desks, chairs, computer, fax, copier, phones, etc. 929-9021, leave message.
675 PetsSupplies AKC LHASA APSOS. Non-shedding, playful, excellent with children. Perfect for Christmas! 921-0453. FREE KITTENS. Three black and one grey tabby.
921-5197. FREE TO GOOD HOME, cute cuddly kittens, 477-6452. WIRE-HAIRED FOX Terrier puppies, AKC, home raised. 1-414-231-0013. 690 TVStereo Electronics 13" BLACK AND WHITE TV, good second TV, used very little, portable, $60.
921-0999." 25 TV. RCA COLOR console, swivel base, $100. Call 921-8671 after 3pm. $Slr Santa Suggests SS( Santa Suggests vjflr Santa Suggests KMr Santa Suggests ta gests lifflT Santa Suggests 1986 CHEVY CAVALIER Wagon. 42,000 miles, automatic, power steering and brakes, amfm radio, 1987 PONTIAC Bonneville SE, 3.8 V6, loaded, good condition, 77,000 miles.
$5995. 231-9020. 872-2917 evenings. 1988 CORSICA, high miles, good condition, $3000 or offer. 923-2507 after 1989 CORSICA Hatchback, automatic, air conditioning, 4 cylinder, amfm stereo, rear defrost, 2 tone, asking $4895 or best offer.
929-9297. 1989 FORD PROBE LX, good condition, automatic, air, other extras, $7000 OBO. 922-4450. FOR HOME DELIVERY THE REPORTER CALL 922-4600 WEST BEND rato fGraui CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DODGE DODGE TRUCK JEEP EAGLE TOYOTA 1-800-253-1264 1120 Trucks4x4s 1976 FORD F100 With cap, $525. 922-2262.
1978 CHEVY Suburban Silverado, 4 wheel drive, loaded, body completely redone 4 years ago. 477-4405. 1978 INTERNATIONAL Scout, 7W western plow, best offer. 583-3543. 1979 FORD BRONCO, $2000.
Call 898-5467. Santa Suggests 1985 S10 4x4, extended cab, V6, 4 speed, tilt, cruise. Call 398-3674. 1985 TOYOTA 4 Runner, 82,000 miles, fully loaded, $6000. 929-9114.
1988 GMC SIERRA SLX 2x4, cap, 39,000 miles, excellent condition, V-6, 5 speed, $7500. 795r4015. 1990 CHEVY S10 Tahoe 4x4, extended cab, loaded, 35,000 miles, $12,000 firm. 922-6731. 1125 VansMini-Vans 1985 CHEV WINDOW van, 8-passenger, power locks, power windows, air, tilt, cruise, rear heat, excellent condition.
921-8562, 923-6611. 1130 Auto Parts Accessories VAN BEDbench seat, 2 captains chairs, good condition. 923-0513. 1140 Motorcycles 1973 BIG TWIN Hariey Chopper, excellent condition, $35007negotiable 921-6062. 1980 HONDA HAWK 400, needs some work, $175 OBO.
923-0702. 921-1670. 1150 Snowmobiles 1978 YAMAHA SRX, excellent condition, asking $800. 849-9610 ta use UujT Saaita Suggests UfflrSanta Suggests (jftSanta Suggests ta gests (julanta Suggests KSwr Santa Suggests MA Santa Suggests agreement 922-6679..