The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)

Welcome to The Quarry Trophy Guide!This is a game by the same development studio as Until Dawn & The Dark Pictures Anthology series. It’s very similar to those games, a cinematic horrorexperience with many choices and outcomes. Luckily, we only need6 different endings and if you follow thesteps here you only need 1 full playthrough and can do the rest via chapter select. The game only keeps 1 active save that it automatically overwrites with each cutscene, because of this you should manually back up your save regularly (Console Settings > Saved Data Management > USB if you’re on PS4 or PS+ Cloud if you’re on PS5). In case you make a mistake on an important decision you can copy back your save without needing to replay the entire game. You can keep track of all important choices in the pause menu under “Paths”. When you make those important choices it will also show “Path Chosen” or “Path Updated”. Choices not listed under Paths don’t have any impact. 90% of choices have no lasting consequence and only change the nextline of dialogue.

It’s as spoiler-free as possible and combines the Best Ending with all other compatible Trophies and Collectibles in a single playthrough. It will also earn you the trophy for killing all Hacketts. Killing Hacketts and Silas is fine and doesn’t void “Everyone Survived”. Thus you can reduce the number of playthroughs needed for platinum. Some Collectibles cancel out each other (different choices leading to different areas). It’s impossible to get all Collectibles in 1 playthrough. We’ll get the restlater on the “Everyone Infected” playthrough. Alsoknow that you can move faster by holding The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (1) tospeed things up!

After your first playthrough you’ll unlock Chapter Select. It’s best to make a manual save backup now, this is just as a precautionso you have a completed game save to fall back to:Console Settings > Saved Data Management and Game/App Settings > Copy to USB (PS4) or PS+ Cloud (PS5). If using PS+ make sure to disable autosync to prevent your backup from being automatically overwritten (Console Settings > Saved Data Managementand Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS5) > Sync Saved Data > Auto-Sync Saved Data = Disabled).

Warning:When using Chapter Select to replay a Chapter, the Chapter Select becomes unavailable until beating the game again (from whatever chapter you start replaying you must finish all chapters until the end of the game again to re-unlock Chapter Select). You cannot jump between Chapters. It also resets your Collectible progress to what you had at the start of the chapter.

Go to the Title Screen > Chapter Select > Replay from Chapter 9 onward and follow the Instructions forThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2)Should’ve Gone to the Motel. This is an alternate ending. It’s best to get this out of the way right now before starting your “Everyone Dies” playthrough.

Luckily, we don’t need to replay everything.Using Chapter Select to replayfrom Chapter 4 onward is enough to kill Jacob and Emma early. You can skip Chapters 1-3 to save time.

This walkthrough combines the trophy for killing everyone with other compatible trophies and setting up the remaining ending trophies (only Kaitlyn surviving & only Ryan surviving). You can ignore collectibles on this playthrough, it’s impossible to get all of one type because the deaths lock you out of many areas with collectibles in them. We’ll do the remaining collectibles on the “Everyone Infected” playthrough later.

Replay Chapter 10 using Chapter Select to let only Kaitlyn survive. If you followed thewalkthrough instructions in Step 1 &3 (picked up Teddy from locked cabin in Chapter 1, left it in kitchen in Chapter 5) you should have the teddy in the kitchen in Chapter 10.Kaitlyn can throw it in the kitchen’s freezer todistractthe final enemy and thus survive the encounter. SeeThe Final Girl.

Use Chapter Select once again to let only Ryan survive this time. SeeLast Man Standing.

Use Chapter Select once again to get everyone infected.

Combine this playthrough with collecting all Clues, that should be the only collectible trophy you have left. You will need to replay from Chapter 2 onward and choose to go to SHADY GLADE this time (instead of Rocky Road) to get the missing clues. Also recollect all other clues from later chapters (must have all 40 clues in a single playthrough to pop the trophy in Chapter 10). See The Quarry Collectible Guide.If you missed anything earlier than that you must replay from the Chapter where you missed your first Collectibles. The Evidence & Tarots don’t need to be recollected, if you followed the walkthrough you should already have all of them.

Warning: Don’t start a new game! All Collectible Progress resets in New Game!It’s better to use Chapter Select to get missing Collectibles, it at least keeps everything you found before the selected chapter (but not what you found in later chapters)! You must recollect all Clues from Chapter 2 onward. If you missed a clue before Chapter 2 you must replay from the Chapter where you missedone.

From the title screen choose “MOVIE MODE”, pick a movie and begin. You don’t need to watch it to the end, the trophy unlocks immediately after starting it, then you can quit out.

This requires you to shoot and hit whenever you can aim a weapon. If you already fulfilled the requirements of Chapter 1-3 in the “Everyone Infected” run then you can skip those chapters and start replaying from Chapter 4 onward. There is no way to combine this with any of the other playthroughs, must be done in a separate playthrough (see the note in the trophy description why that is).

One more trophy you might potentially have left at this point isThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (3)Mutually Assured which you can quickly get via Chapter Select (Chapter 9).

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (4)What Doesn’t Kill You…
Achieved all Trophies!The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (5)Earn all other trophies in The Quarry to unlock platinum (DLC from Deluxe Edition not required).The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (6)Prologue
Completed the PrologueThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (7)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (8)Chapter 1
Completed Chapter 1The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (9)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (10)Chapter 2
Completed Chapter 2The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (11)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (12)Chapter 3
Completed Chapter 3The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (13)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (14)Chapter 4
Completed Chapter 4The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (15)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (16)Chapter 5
Completed Chapter 5The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (17)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (18)Chapter 6
Completed Chapter 6The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (19)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (20)Chapter 7
Completed Chapter 7The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (21)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (22)Chapter 8
Completed Chapter 8The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (23)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (24)Chapter 9
Completed Chapter 9The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (25)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (26)Chapter 10
Completed Chapter 10The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (27)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (28)Epilogue
Witnessed the EpilogueThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (29)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (30)Rough Night
Kept everyone aliveThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (31)»The Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– recommended doing this as your 1st playthroughThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (32)Hackett’s Quarry Massacre
Killed everyoneThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (33)»The QuarryWorst EndingWalkthrough(Everyone Dies)– recommended doing this as your2nd playthroughThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (34)The Final Girl
Kaitlyn survived the night aloneThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (35)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (36)

If you followed the steps outlined in the Roadmap you can quickly get this trophy via Chapter Select after your “Killed Everyone” playthrough:

  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– in Chapter 1 as Abi when talking to Emma at the cabins, choose to “BREAK IN”. After breaking into the cabin pick up the teddy on the left side and choose to “KEEP”. This is pointed out in the Walkthrough.
  2. FollowThe QuarryWorst EndingWalkthrough(Everyone Dies)– Follow the instructions in the walkthrough, after finishing the ending for killing everyone use Chapter Select to replay Chapter 10, this timego into the kitchen and throw the teddy in the freezer to trap Monster Caleb, thus Kaitlyn will survive the encounter.

Summary of the 4 steps that matter:

  1. In Chapter 1 when Abi & Emma are talking at the cabins: Choose “BREAK IN” > on left side in the cabin you can find a teddy, choose “KEEP”
  2. In Chapter 5 after Kaitlyn encounters the big hunter guy in the lodge you will play as Nick & Abi. If you picked up the Teddy in Chapter 1 then Abi will leave it behind in the kitchen here. (Ichoose:CONFIDENT > INTRIGUED > HIDE > Hold Breath successfully > Abi left her bag behind in the kitchen – but it seems that the choices here don’t matter and she always leaves the backpack regardless of whether you choose to HIDE or RUN, so this shouldn’t matter. Just checkthe Pause Menu > Paths > 4th Path “Down the Rabbit Hole” > it should say “Abi left her backpack in the lodge kitchen”).
  3. Kill all playable characters, the last one alive will be Kaitlyn in Chapter 10
  4. As Kaitlyn in Chapter 10 after interacting with the portrait to trigger the final showdown: Choose RUN > BEAM > SMASHThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (37) > RUN > HOLD BREATH > FREEZER > USE DECOY > SMASH The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (38) > Kaitlyn throws the teddy in the freezer, Monster Caleb is lured by the sound, then Kaitlyn closes the door to traphim and he freezes to death. That’s the teddy Abi picked up in Chapter 1 & left in the kitchen in Chapter 5. Without the Teddy Kaitlyn wouldn’t be able to escape Monster Caleb and would always die here.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (39)Nick of Time
Successfully took the fastest route to NickThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (40)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (41)

» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

Chapter 3

After Abigail returns to the campfire, Ryan will run into the woods to go after Nick. Choose TAKE SHORTCUT two times in a row and successfully finish the QTEs without messing up. Then you’ll be quick enough to see how Nick gets dragged away by a hunter which unlocks the trophy.

  • QTE: The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (42) > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (43) > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (44) > smash The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (45) / The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (46)
  • QTE: The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (47) > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (48) > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (49) > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (50) > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (51)
  • The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (52)Nick of TimeUnlocked!
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (53)The White Wolf
Killed SilasThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (54)» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

Chapter 10

This requires Laura shooting Silas in his nest at the end of Chapter 10. Laura must be alive and must be working together with Travis (Laura didn’t shoot Travis with his pistol in the Chapter 7 prison cell and they didn’t kill each other in Chapter 9). Then in Chapter 10 during the car ride they will run over Silas, he will retreat to his nest and you can aim your shotgun at him and shoot him.

Required Steps:

  • Chapter 7– When Laura can explore her cell, inspect the left wall for a loose stone, then inspect the bed to find a spoon, inspect left wall again and Laura will use the spoon to loosen the stone.
  • Chapter 7 – After Laura leaves her cell and can free-roam the police station alone,DO grab the syringe from the 3rd office upstairs, inside a locker. Then go back to your cell and interact with the left wall and hide the syringe behind the loose stone.
  • Chapter 7 – In the prison cell when Travis (cop) gives Laura a poem to read, Laura must NOT try totake Travis’ gun (don’t press any buttons)
  • Chapter 7 – Laura fakes being in pain and Travis enters her cell. Hereuse the syringe on Travis by successfully completing the QTE. This will put him to sleep. DON’T SHOOT HIM WITH HIS GUN, THIS WOULD VOID THE TROPHY.
  • Chapter 9 – When Laura and Constance (old woman) struggle for the shotgun, quickly press The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (55) to shoot and kill the old woman.
  • Chapter 9 – At the end of the Chapter after Laura & Ryan fall through the attic with the monster, Laura turns into a monster herself. Ryan must shoot the monster with the shotgun to lift Laura’s curse. Travis picks up a mirror shard but chooses not the stab Laura. Pick dialogue “SUSPICIOUS” > they have a little talk and decide to work together.
  • Chapter 10– When finding Silas in his nest and Laura puts up the gun, during the Interrupt Event you can either Raise your gun and Shoot Silas — or choose not to raise the gun, fail the next QTE to kill Travis (to kill all Hacketts in one playthrough), then shoot Silas afterward.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (56)Nobody’s Fool
Jacob told Emma the truthThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (57)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (58)

» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

For this Emma must get infected in Chapter 4 and Kaitlyn doesn’t shoot her with Silver bullets in Chapter 8, Jacob must stay uninfected the whole playthrough, Ryan must kill Monster Chris in Chapter 9 to lift Emma’s curse. Then Jacob and Emma reunite in Chapter 10, choose to be HONEST > REMORSEFUL > APOLOGETIC during the dialogue.

Here are all important steps:

  1. Chapter 4 – Emma gets infected by the monster on the island, but not killed.On the Chapter 4 island while playing as Emma, when you enter the tree house upstairs choose the following QTE: SEARCH BAG > USE TASER > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (59) TAKE PHOTO > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (60) > smash The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (61) on zipline > SPRAY > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (62) > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (63) > BLOCK DOOR > USE TRAPDOOR > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (64) > FAIL QTE (DON’T PRESS The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (65) when trying to push the cabinet) > Emma’s Arm gets bitten > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (66) (Emma tasers the monster) > FAIL QTE (DON’T PRESS The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (67) ) > Emma’s Leg gets bitten > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (68) > Emma escapes through the hatch but was bitten her arm and leg.
  2. Chapter 6 – Jacob must not be infected. In Chapter 6 he encounters a monster on the island, win all QTEs here to avoid being bitten.
  3. Chapter 6 – With cutscene of Emma and 2 Hunters choose “RUN” > Monster bites Emma’s leg (Side Note: it’s mandatory that Emma was also bitten in Chapter 4. If she only gets bitten in Chapter 6 she won’t mutate to a monster by Chapter 8).
  4. Chapter 8 – Because you infected Emma she will have turned into a monster in the car parked outside the lodge. When the group opens the car to find Monster Emma choose SHOOT > SHOOT MONSTER EMMA BEFORE SHE KILLS ABI > SHOOT MONSTER EMMA ON CAR ROOF > REGULAR SHOT. You are NOT allowed to shoot Monster Emma with Silver bullets, this would kill her and voids the trophy. It’s easy to miss shooting the monster when it runs quickly towards Abi, best to back up your save as soon as the “Shoot” choice comes up. If Abi dies it shouldn’t matter for “Nobody’s Fool”, but if you’re trying to combine it with “Everyone Survives” it would void the best ending for everyone surviving.
  5. Chapter 8 – Jacob is freed from the cage by Ryan, this makes it so that Jacob doesn’t die in the cage later. As Ryan when in the red light tunnel where Jacob is in the cage:HELP JACOB >CHOOSE BREAKERS 1+2 > CONTINUE > CHOOSE BREAKERS 2+3 > Jacob gets released from cage
  6. Chapter 9 – At the end of Chapter 9 after falling through the attic, Ryan must SHOOT Monster Chris (this lifts Emma’s curse)
  7. Chapter 10 – After playing as Kaitlyn and interacting with the portrait to prepare for the final attack, you will get a special cutscene whereJacob & Emma reunite. Choose HONEST > REMORSEFUL > APOLOGETIC. The the trophy unlocks at the end of the cutscene (no need to finish the story, it unlocks immediately).
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (69)Lovers’ Quarrel
Nick killed AbiThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (70)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (71)

» You will automatically earn this on your 2nd playthroughwhen followingThe QuarryWorst Ending Walkthrough(Everyone Dies)

Chapter 6

This requires that Abigail doesn’t shoot Nick in the Chapter 6 pool house.

Choices: In Chapter 6, in the pool house when Abi talks to Nick, pick the following dialogues: CALM > COMPASSIONATE > (Nick doesn’t believe you, gets angry and throws Abi against the wall) > When Abi aims the shotgun at Nick do NOT shoot it (let time run out) > Trophy Unlocked!

If Abi would shoot Nick with the shotgun he’d run away and not kill her.Nick will always get infected in Chapter 3 and always attacks Abi in Chapter 6, this cannot be avoided. Abigail will always be alive in Chapter 6, even if shewas injured in Chapter3.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (72)Should’ve Gone to the Motel
Reunited Laura and MaxThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (73)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (74)
  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)
  2. After the “Everyone Survives” Ending go to Title Screen > Chapter Select > Replay from Chapter 9
  3. Chapter 9 – Ryan must DECLINE to get bitten by Laura
  4. Chapter 9 – At end of Chapter 9 after falling through the attic floor, Ryan must SHOOT Monster Chris> Ryan dies automatically from bleeding out
  5. Chapter 9 – Inthe same scene Laura must win the QTE The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (75) and shoot Travis with the shotgun (Note: In Chapter 7 LauraCAN’T have shot Travis in the prison cell with his pistol. Laura must either have injected him with the syringe or grabbed his gun but didn’t shoot him — as outlined in the Everyone Survives Walkthrough. If Laura shot Travis in Chapter 7 they will automatically kill each other here and you must replay from Chapter 7 onward).
  6. Chapter 10 – When playing as Max walk to the other side of the island > cutscene triggers of Laura & Max reuniting (because Ryan and Travis died, Laura went to the island) > Trophy unlocks immediately after the cutscene
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (76)Above the Law
Travis and Laura agreed to work togetherThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (77)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (78)

» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

Chapter 9

After Laura and Ryan fall through the attic at the end of Chapter 9, a monster will attack them in the Hackett House. At that point Laura turns into a monster herself and attacks Travis (the cop). Theymustn’t kill each other here. After the encounter they have a talk and will decide to work together to lift the curse. This is tracked through the “Above the Law” path.

  • Chapter 7– When Laura can explore her cell, inspect the left wall for a loose stone, then inspect the bed to find a spoon, inspect left wall again and Laura will use the spoon to loosen the stone.
  • Chapter 7 – After Laura leaves her cell and can free-roam the police station alone,DO grab the syringe from the 3rd office upstairs, inside a locker. Then go back to your cell and interact with the left wall and hide the syringe behind the loose stone.
  • Chapter 7 – In the prison cell when Travis (cop) gives Laura a poem to read, Laura must NOT try totake Travis’ gun (don’t press any buttons)
  • Chapter 7 – Laura fakes being in pain and Travis enters her cell. Hereuse the syringe on Travis by successfully completing the QTE. This will put him to sleep. DON’T SHOOT HIM WITH HIS GUN, THIS WOULD VOID THE TROPHY.
  • Chapter 9 – When Laura and Constance (old woman) struggle for the shotgun, quickly press The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (79) to shoot and kill the old woman.
  • Chapter 9 – At the end of the Chapter after Laura & Ryan fall through the attic with the monster, Laura turns into a monster herself. Ryan must shoot the monster with the shotgun to lift Laura’s curse. Travis picks up a mirror shard but chooses not the stab Laura. Pick dialogue “SUSPICIOUS” > they have a little talk and decide to work together > Trophy Unlocked!

This is tracked via the “Above the Law” Path in the pause menu. If you are missing this trophy after getting the various ending-related trophies you just need to replay Chapters 7-9.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (80)Mutually Assured
Laura and Travis killed each otherThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (81)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (82)

Chapter 9

In Chapter 9 when Ryan aims gun at Monster Chris Hackett DON’T shoot. This results in Laura’s curse not being lifted, she stays in monster form and attacks Travis, he defends himself, in the struggle they kill each other.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (83)Just a Flesh Wound
Saved a friend from infectionThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (84)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (85)

» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhen followingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

Chapter 5

While in the radio hut Dylan must try to fix a wire and have his hand bitten by the monster, then Ryan needs to cut it off.

Choices: First of all, in order to do this, in Chapter1 as Abigail you must have broken into the cabin to get your belongings. In Chapter 1 when Abigail & Emma are talking choose “BREAK IN”. This makes it so the cabin is open in Chapter 5 for everyone to hide there from the monsters. Later in Chapter 5 when Dylan & Ryan are in the Radio Hut pick the following: INTERESTED > CONCERNED > APOLOGETIC > While aiming gun at ceiling: don’t shoot, let time run out > AGGRESSIVE > ANXIOUS > CALM > (Dylan’s Hand gets bitten) > DESPERATE (quick-time decision) > CHAINSAW (Ryan cuts off Dylan’s hand) > Trophy Unlocked!

If you didn’t break into the cabin in Chapter1 it will be closed and the group needs a longer time to break in, which attracts the monsters to them. In this case, the monsters will focus on that cabin and won’t be on the roof of the radio hut, so Dylan wouldn’t get his hand bitten off. If that’s the case for you, you must replay from Chapter1 onward.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (86)Phlebotomy
Accepted the bite of a werewolfThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (87)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (88)

» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

Chapter 9

In Chapter 9 after Ryan and Laura reunite, Ryan must accept being bitten by Laura to become infected. This is also mandatory to keep him alive for the best ending. Your choices leading up to this point don’t matter, you will always get the same scene in every playthrough no matter what you did before.

Required Choices in Chapter 9 when Ryan is bleeding out and Laura is talking to him:

  • SYMPATHETIC “It’s not your fault…”
  • Interrupt Event: DON’T Pull Away (DON’T press The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (89) / The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (90) )
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (91)Last Man Standing
Ryan survived aloneThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (92)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (93)

If you followed the steps outlined in the Roadmap you can quickly get this trophy via Chapter Select after your “Killed Everyone” playthrough / after doing “The Final Girl” ending where only Kaitlyn survived:

  1. FollowThe QuarryWorst EndingWalkthrough(Everyone Dies)– Follow the instructions in the walkthrough, after finishing the ending for killing everyone use Chapter Select to replay from Chapter 9.
  2. Chapter 9 – As Ryan, DON’T “PULL KNIFE” > you need the knife to stab Bobby or else he will kill Ryan at end of Chapter 9
  3. Chapter 9 – When Ryan gets chased by Bobby (Muscular Hunter Guy) for the first time, shortly after leaving the bedroom smash The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (94) to barricade the door with a cabinet (if you fail this QTE and don’t blockade the door, Bobby will come in and pulls the knife from you and you can’t stab him)
  4. Chapter 9 – Later in Chapter 9 after Ryan goes through the walls, Bobby will always catch up with him in a small room (regardless of whether or not you did all QTEs he always catches you). During the timed event press The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (95) to “STAB” Bobby with the knife. Otherwise he kills Ryan at the end of the Chapter.
  5. Chapter 9 – After Laura comforts Ryan, choose to “ACCEPT” being bitten by her. Then DON’T “PULL AWAY”. Being bitten by Laura makes you a werewolf so that your wounds will heal and you don’t die from blood loss at the end of Chapter 9.
  6. Chapter 9 – At the Scrapyard kill Dylan again (WARN KAITLYN > The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (96) > SOUND HORN > Fail QTE (don’t press buttons while holding the torch).
  7. Chapter 9 – After finding Monster Chris in the attic and falling through the floor, if you stabbed Bobby he will die from his wounds automatically. Next Ryan must SHOOT Monster Chris (otherwise he kills Ryan). In the next scene Travis must stab Laura (he only does this if in Chapter 7 Laura didn’t grab the syringe and instead shot Travis with his own pistol to escape prison, then he wants revenge and stabs Laura to death – if you followed the Everyone Dies Walkthrough you will already have done this). After Travis kills Laura he will charge at Ryan (dialogue choice doesn’t matter) > SHOOT Travis. Results inRyan being the only one to survive this encounter.
  8. Chapter 10 – Kill Max & Kaitlyn again, same way you did during your Everyone Dies Playthrough. As Max SWIM TO SHORE and as Kaityln WAIT during the final showdown.
  9. After Kaitlyn is dead the Epilogue triggers and you get the trophy for only Ryan surviving.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (97)Family Matters
Killed all the HackettsThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (98)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (99)

» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

The Hackett Family are essentially your enemies in the game. There are 7 family members you must kill. Killing them does not cancel out the “Everyone Survives” trophy because they aren’t playable characters (and it’s impossible to not kill at leastsomeof them, no matter what choices you make. At leasta few of themare guaranteed to always die). See theEveryone Surviveswalkthrough from Chapter 7 onward,then you’ll get the trophy at the very end of the game after Chapter 10.


  1. Chapter5 (Kaylee Hackett – Young Girl):Laura automatically kills Monster Kaylee, you find her dead body in the pool, she turned human again after dying. This cannot be avoided, it’s a scripted part of the story. Laura always shoots her, you have no control over this, don’t worry about this.
  2. Chapter 9 (Constance Hackett – Old Woman):When Constance Hackett (old woman) and Laura struggle for the gun, smash The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (100) to shoot her
  3. Chapter 9 (Bobby Hackett – Young Muscular Man):As Ryan, DON’T pull out the knife from his torso. Later after Bobby (big muscular guy) catches you, STAB him. He then dies at the very end of Chapter 9 as a consequence, due to his injuries he can’t defend himself from the monster that falls through the attic.
  4. Chapter 9 (Jedediah Hackett – Old Man):After Laura goes through the room with a piano and blue wallpaper she will encounter Jediah Hackett, choose “ATTACK” to kill him
  5. Chapter 9 (Chris Hackett – Camp Leader):After Laura, Ryan and Monster Chris fall through the attic, Ryan automatically grabs the shotgun and aims it at Monster Chris. SHOOT Monster Chris.
  6. Chapter 9 (Travis Hackett – PoliceSheriff – Kill Option #1): If you shot Travis the cop with his own pistol during Chapter 7 in the prison cell, then he’ll automatically kill Laura after you shoot Monster Chris. Then in the next scene as Ryan complete the QTE and shoot Travis in the head with the shotgun. If you didn’t shoot Travis in Chapter 7 prison cell (either used syringe or got him to give you the keys), then he won’t attack Laura and instead wants to work together. In this case see the Chapter 10 point below.
  7. Chapter 10 (Caleb Hackett – Monster):As Kaitlyn, you have two options to kill him during the final showdown – if Abi & Emma are alive and found the silver shells in the Chapter 9 bunker then Kaitlyn can choose to investigate the door to Chris’ office where they are making noise, then they pass Kaitlyn the silver shells. In the next scene you can shoot Monster Caleb with the silver shells. Alternatively, if Abi broke into the locked cabins in Chapter 1 and found the Plush Teddy inside, then left her bag in the kitchen in Chapter 5 while hiding from Bobby Hackett, as Kaitlyn you can choose to hide in the kitchen and grab the Teddy from Abi’s bag and throw it in the freezer to trap Caleb inside. Then he freezes to death during the Epilogue.
  8. Chapter 10 (Travis Hackett – Police Sheriff – Kill Option #2):If at the end of Chapter 9 Travis & Laura decided to work together you can kill him in Chapter 10. During the final scene when deciding Sila’s fate, during the interrupt event DON’T “Raise Gun” (don’t press The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (101) when you approach Silas in his nest). Travis gets angry and tries to take the gun from you, FAIL THE QTE (DON’T press the buttons shown on screen). In the struggle for the gun, Travis will accidentally get shot and dies as a result. This path is only possible if Laura and Travis decided to work together at the end of Chapter 9. If Laura shot Travis with his pistol in the Chapter 7 prison cell, then Laura and Travis will automatically kill each other at the end of Chapter 9.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (102)Blood Pact
Infected every characterThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (103)»The Quarry Infect EveryoneWalkthrough(Blood Pact Trophy)– recommended doing this as your3rd playthroughThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (104)Bizzare Yet Bonafide
Listened to the podcastThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (105)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (106)

» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

Chapter 7

This requires you to log in to Travis’ PC in the police station to play the podcast audio file.

Choices: In Chapter 7, playing as Laura after you can free roam around the police station, go upstairs (wooden staircase). Enter the1st office upstairs, on the wall is a birthday card, inspect it to find out Travis’ year of birth. Enter the 3rd office upstairs, inspect the calendar on the wall to get Travis’ month & day of birth. Now head back downstairs and enter the corner office. Interact with the PC behind the desk, Laura will automatically enter Travis’ birthday as the password. She will automatically open an audio file on the PC that plays the supernatural “Bizzare Yet Bonafide” podcast that Ryan was listening to earlier in the game. The trophy unlocks after that. It also counts as a collectible.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (107)Reactionist
Activated 15 InterruptsThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (108)» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

“Interrupts” are the timers with The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (109) button prompts during cutscenes. These are timed events and you have to quickly decide whether to press The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (110) or not to press. Press The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (111) on 15 of these, you will get this automatically on your playthrough.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (112)You’re Breathetaking!
Passed 5 Don’t Breath eventsThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (113)» You will automatically earn this on your 1st playthroughwhenfollowingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)

“Don’t Breathe events” are when the screen flashes red and you must hold The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (114) , then release it when the screen stops flashing. There are far more than 5 of these events, they mostly happen when hiding. You’ll automatically have to do more than 5 of these on your playthrough. For the trophy you must successfully complete them, meaning you must release the button when the screen stops flashing red. If you release the button while the screen is still flashing red it doesn’t count towards the trophy.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (115)Peanut Butter Butterpops!
Never missed in a combat encounterThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (116)The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (117)

For this you must shoot and hit at every chance you can aim a weapon, except in Chapter 4 when aiming the gun at the bushes for the 1st time (nothing to hit there), but MUSTshoot when aiming at the bushes the 2nd time (kills Jacob).

If you already fulfilled the Chapter 1-3 requirements inyour last playthrough you can start replaying from Chapter 4 onward. Doing this via chapter select is fine and unlocks the trophy, no need to start a new game. It will unlock at the start of the Epilogue cutscene, after Chapter 10.

Side Note – FAQ: Onefrequent question is whether you can combine this trophy with other playthroughs such as Everyone Survives or Everyone Dies or Everyone Infected or Collectibles. The answer is No – you can’t combine it. That’s because shooting Jacob in Chapter 4 voids everyone being alive as well as his infection and collectibles in Chapter 6. Likewise, shooting Nick in Chapter 6 voids Abi dying / everyone dying (although Abi can still die in Chapter 8 if Emma was infected in Chapter 4, that would void Emma’s death). There are *some* reports of players getting a lucky bug where the trophy unlocked without shooting Jacob in Chapter 4 but I have done many playthroughs trying this and it never worked. The only guaranteed way is that you MUST shoot Jacob in Chapter 4 in the bushes and he must die from this, otherwise the trophy will most likely not unlock in the end.

All required steps guaranteed to unlock the trophy – I had NOT enabled auto-aim in accessibility settings (keep auto-aim turned off):

  • Chapter 1 – Abi must BREAK IN at the locked cabin with Emma (mandatory to get the shooting sequence in Chapter 5 Radio Hut). There is no shooting sequence here, it’s only preparation to get the Chapter 5 shooting sequence.
  • Chapter2 –As Nick during shooting contest against Jacob: Nick shoots left melon > shoots same melon again after cutscene where he walks closer to it > shoot 2 bottles on the far left > shoot 1 bottle on the left.
  • Chapter 3– As Ryan choose to take the 2 SHORTCUTS while running the woods so that you’re quick enough to see Bobby dragging away Nick. Then choose “SHOUT” > SHOOTand hit Bobby (muscular hunter guy who’s dragging away Nick).
  • Chapter 4 – Ryan aiming at bushes: “CALL OUT” > DON’T SHOOT at bushesthe1st time > DO SHOOT the 2nd time when aiming at the bushes. Shoot at the center where Jacob is moving behind the bushes (you can increase brightness in game options to see it easily). You have to hit and kill Jacob with this shot for it to count.If done correctly, then after the next dialogue you will see Jacob dead in the bushes – that’s the correct outcome needed for the shot to count.
  • (Optional – Chapter 4: When Emma enters the treehouse choose “OPEN TRAPDOOR”. This kills her to save some time on this playthrough. You don’t need her for anything.)
  • Chapter 5 – As Kaitlyn when encountering the hunter on the stairs at the lodge: Win first QTE The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (118) > FAIL 2nd QTE > FAIL 3rd QTE > SHOOT AT BOBBY HOLDING THE TABLE. (Note: it’s normal that Bobby doesn’t die here, you just need to hit the table)
  • Chapter 5 – As Ryan in the Radio Hut: SHOOT at the ceiling when the monster is on the rooftop.Shooting anywhere at the roof is fine, there is no way to actually hit the monster but the shot will scare it away(Note: you can only aim the gun here if in Chapter 1 you did “BREAK IN” with Abi at locked cabin)
  • Chapter 6 – In pool house Abi shoots at Nick
  • Chapter 7 – When Laura can free roam in her cell interact with the loose stone on left wall, then interact with bed to find spoon to loosen the stone. Later when she can free-roam the police station, go to the 3rd office upstairs and pick syringe from locker, and hide it in your cell in the wall. Later she fakes an attack and Travis checks on her, use syringe to put him to sleep. This makes it so they work together in Chapter 9 to hunt down Silas which leads to a shooting opportunity in Chapter 10.
  • Chapter 8 – In the red light tunnel where Jacob is trapped in a cage, DON’T stop Laura when she aims the gun to shoot the monster. Let her shoot it (not sure if this matters because you’re not really “aiming” here. But better to be safe and have Laura fire the shot).
  • Chapter 9 – Ryan must accept Laura’s offer to be bitten by her (this ensures that Ryan survives. Then Ryan, Laura, Max hunt down Silas together for the Chapter 10 shooting opportunity. If Ryan dies then you don’t get to hunt down Silas)
  • Chapter 9 – As Abi in the bunker, pick up the silver shells (interact with the breaker box in the lit area before going up the ladder). This allows you to shoot Monster Caleb a 2nd time as Kaitlyn in Chapter 10.
  • Chapter 9 – Ryan shoots Monster Chris after they fall through the attic
  • Chapter 10 –As Kaitlyn during the final showdown choose: WAIT > SHOOT > BEAM > Smash The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (119) > RUN > INVESTIGATE > SHOOT
  • Chapter 10 –As Laura at Sila’s Nest: The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (120) RAISE GUN (1st time you get the chance, don’t kill Travis here) > SHOOT SILAS
  • Trophy Unlocks after the cutscene with Eliza (the old woman), when the Epilogue starts
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (121)Hard Pass
Refused Eliza’s helpThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (122)*Was bugged, got fixed in Patch 1.04*

During your entire playthrough, when talking to the old woman between chapters, always choose “MOVE ON”. You will automatically get this on your first playthrough while followingThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives.

After Patch 1.04 there shouldn’t be issues with this trophy anymore. However, in case this trophy breaks again in future patches, below is the old workaround that fixed it before the 1.04 Patch. In case the trophy doesn’t unlock for you, use this workaround (thanks toanasterion):

  • Start a New Game playthrough from the Title Screen.
  • Pick up 1 Tarot in each Chapter. At the end of the Chapter when talking to the old woman always choose “MOVE ON” >CLOSE THE GAME IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS (hold PS-Button > click Options-Button on the game title > Close Game).
  • Reboot game> choose “Continue” > if done correctly you should see the old woman again where the game saved your choice.
  • Do this for Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5
  • With this method the trophy will unlock after Chapter 5. That’s because the game counts it as 2x “MOVE ON” when quitting the game so you get it already in Chapter 5 instead of Chapter 10.

There are some reports of users getting it a little bit later e.g. after Chapter 7. If it doesn’t unlock after Chapter 5 just keep doing the same trick for the next few chapters until it unlocks.

The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (123)Decked Out
Found all Tarot cardsThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (124)
  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– this will get you 70/72 Collectibles, some are on paths that cancel out each otherhence you cannot get everything in a single playthrough. The ones you will be missing are:Hackett History #2, Hackett History #3.
  2. FollowThe Quarry Collectible Guide– use Chapter Select (unlocked after Story) and start replaying from Chapter 2 onward to grab your missing Collectibles. Remember you must have all collectibles of a type in one playthrough (in pause menu collectible menu) to pop the trophy. Just finding the missing collectible isn’t enough, must recollect everything when replaying the game.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (125)Forewarned is Forearmed
Got a Tarot readingThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (126)Find at least one Tarot Card collectible. Between chapters when talking to the old woman choose “SEE MORE” to get a Tarot Reading for this trophy.The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (127)Meddling Kids!
Collected all cluesThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (128)
  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– this will get you70/72 Collectibles, some are on paths that cancel out each otherhence you cannot get everything in a single playthrough. The ones you will be missing are:Hackett History #2, Hackett History #3.
  2. FollowThe Quarry Collectible Guide– use Chapter Select (unlocked after Story) and start replaying from Chapter 2 onward to grab your missing Collectibles. Remember you must have all collectibles of a type in one playthrough (in pause menu collectible menu) to pop the trophy. Just finding the missing collectible isn’t enough, must recollect everything when replaying the game.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (129)It’s All Coming Together
Found a matching clueThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (130)A matching clue is one that unlocks a piece of info on another clue in the “Clues” Menu (Pause Menu). You will automatically get this while collecting all clues.
  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– this will get you70/72 Collectibles, some are on paths that cancel out each otherhence you cannot get everything in a single playthrough. The ones you will be missing are:Hackett History #2, Hackett History #3.
  2. FollowThe Quarry Collectible Guide– use Chapter Select (unlocked after Story) and start replaying from Chapter 2 onward to grab your missing Collectibles. Remember you must have all collectibles of a type in one playthrough (in pause menu collectible menu) to pop the trophy. Just finding the missing collectible isn’t enough, must recollect everything when replaying the game.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (131)What’s This?
Collected first clueThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (132)
  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– this will get you70/72 Collectibles, some are on paths that cancel out each otherhence you cannot get everything in a single playthrough. The ones you will be missing are:Hackett History #2, Hackett History #3.
  2. FollowThe Quarry Collectible Guide– use Chapter Select (unlocked after Story) and start replaying from Chapter 2 onward to grab your missing Collectibles. Remember you must have all collectibles of a type in one playthrough (in pause menu collectible menu) to pop the trophy. Just finding the missing collectible isn’t enough, must recollect everything when replaying the game.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (133)Conspiracy Theorist
Collected all evidenceThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (134)
  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– this will get you70/72 Collectibles, some are on paths that cancel out each otherhence you cannot get everything in a single playthrough. The ones you will be missing are:Hackett History #2, Hackett History #3.
  2. FollowThe Quarry Collectible Guide– use Chapter Select (unlocked after Story) and start replaying from Chapter 2 onward to grab your missing Collectibles. Remember you must have all collectibles of a type in one playthrough (in pause menu collectible menu) to pop the trophy. Just finding the missing collectible isn’t enough, must recollect everything when replaying the game.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (135)The Truth is Out There
Collected first piece of evidenceThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (136)
  1. FollowThe Quarry Walkthrough (Everyone Survives)– this will get you70/72 Collectibles, some are on paths that cancel out each otherhence you cannot get everything in a single playthrough. The ones you will be missing are:Hackett History #2, Hackett History #3.
  2. FollowThe Quarry Collectible Guide– use Chapter Select (unlocked after Story) and start replaying from Chapter 2 onward to grab your missing Collectibles. Remember you must have all collectibles of a type in one playthrough (in pause menu collectible menu) to pop the trophy. Just finding the missing collectible isn’t enough, must recollect everything when replaying the game.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (137)Creature Feature
Started a movie mode playthroughThe Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (138)From the Title Screen select “MOVIE MODE”. Pick one of the available Movie Mode options and start this playthrough. No need to finish it, the trophy will unlock right at the start. Movie Mode automatically plays all cutscenes for you without having to walk around, but it’s fully automated and you can’t make any decisions.
The Quarry Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.